A project charting the impact of ash dieback disease in a single wood over a 12 year period. A significant proportion of the wood was ancient ash trees mixed with other species including beech and sycamore.
The narrative is structured into three acts. Act I gradually reveals the infected ash trees over the timeline 2012-2024.
Act II documents the extent of the crisis. 'Dies irae, dies illa solvet saeclum in favilla (Day of wrath, that day will dissolve the earth in ashes)'.
Act III explores many of the abstract themes of the requiem with a strong focus on life and the living and commemoration of the dead. 'Requiem aeternam dona ets, domine, et lux perpetua luceat ets. Kyrie eleison. (Grant them eternal rest, O Lord, and may perpetual light shine on them. Lord have mercy upon us.)'.